Trump wins New Hampshire.US official political race watch. Everyone’s eyes on South Carolina after Trump wins second Essential; Nikki Haley says ‘race is not even close to finished’

In the lead-up to the US presidential election, here are some important stories to keep an eye on, including Nikki Haley’s reaction to the loss and former US President Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire.

Trump wins New Hampshire
Who's running for president in 2024?

Trump wins New Hampshire.(in the primary)

Here are some important stories to keep an eye on in the lead-up to the US Presidential elections, from former US President Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire to Nikki Haley’s response to the defeat..

Trump wins the primary in New Hampshire.

With his victory in the New Hampshire party primary on Tuesday, Trump gained significant support from Republican voters. Compared to Haley, who received 43% of the vote and 8 delegates, he received over 54% of the vote and 11 delegates.

The Iowa primary was held on January 15, and there are 2,429 Republican delegates up for grabs between then and June 4. A minimum of 1,215 of these delegates are required for the candidate to secure the Republican nomination. As of right now, CNN reports that following the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, Trump has 32 delegates and Haley has 17.

After trump wins New Hampshire, he attacked Haley in a speech to his supporters, calling it a “very bad night.” He remarked, “She [Haley] did very poorly actually,” according to CNN. “She’s going to win, she’s going to win, the governor declared. Then she made a huge mistake.

Haley swears to keep fighting
But Nikki Haley, his rival and a former governor of South Carolina who served as Trump’s UN ambassador, refused to back down, declaring, “We’re not going to let them coronate Donald Trump when 48 states haven’t voted.”
There is cause for optimism as the legislator of Indian descent outperformed Trump in the polls of moderates and college graduates. Experts have also noted that, depending on Trump’s legal issues, Haley’s continued participation in the competition—especially now that every other competitor has withdrawn—may be advantageous.
 Haley is primarily focused on the February 24 South Carolina primary, which has the potential to make or break her campaign. “Liking about me and my track record is Donald Trump’s only tactic. There’s no way that will work in South Carolina. Hours after the NH defeat, she wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter): “The people of South Carolina know that I cut their taxes, passed one of the toughest immigration bills in the country, and moved thousands from welfare to work.”
Joe Biden is prepared to take on Trump.
US President Joe Biden has begun to view Trump as a rival in the upcoming 2024 elections after winning the Democratic party’s primary in New Hampshire as a write-in candidate.
Donald Trump’s nomination as the Republican nominee is now certain. The stakes could not be higher, and that is my message to the nation. Our democratic system. Our individual liberties, including the ability to vote and make our own decisions. Since COVID, our economy has recovered at the fastest rate globally. Everyone is involved,” he stated in a statement, according to CNN.
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Photo of merch from Biden-Harris campaign website

The campaign has begun selling items bearing the red and white phrase, “TOGETHER, WE WILL DEFEAT TRUMP. AGAIN.” Biden-Harris campaign is offering phone wallpapers for $32 and unisex t-shirts for $2 packs of stickers for $6.