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US Presidential Election 2024, How?

In November 2024, voters will choose the country’s next president. The winner of this election affects everyone since the individual occupying the Oval Office in the White House has a significant impact on people’s lives both domestically and internationally.

Since there are only two major political parties in the US today, all presidents have come from one of these parties.

The liberal political party, the Democrats, is mostly known for its support of civil rights, a robust social safety net, and climate change mitigation initiatives.

It is the political party of President Joe Biden, who is now running for reelection.

In the US, the conservative political party is the Republican Party. Known by other names, such as the Grand Old Party or the GOP, it has been associated with gun rights, reduced government spending, tax cuts, and more stringent immigration and abortion laws.

When is the next US Presidential Election?

The party has not yet selected a nominee for president.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is the election date for 2024. The winner will take office in January 2025 and hold the position for four years.

How are the Candidates nominated, and who are they?

The presidential campaign of 2024 is already well underway. There were fifteen initially: nine Republicans, four Democrats, and two independents. However, a few of them have already withdrew from the contest.

Through a succession of state primaries and caucuses, the two major parties choose their nominee for president.

The parties are not the same, and each state has its own unique procedure.

March 3 is known as “Super Tuesday” since it is one of the biggest days because primary elections in over twelve states will take place on that day.

Earlier this year, President Biden declared his intention to run for reelection. Despite a few unlikely challenges, he is predicted to easily secure the Democratic Party nomination.

President Donald Trump appears to be the front-runner for the Republican Party nomination, having won the first two state contests.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, is one of the independent contenders for the presidency.

How does the US presidential election work?

In the race for electoral college votes, both contenders compete.

The winner is the candidate who receives 270 or more electoral college votes. Each state is allotted a set number of votes depending in part on its population. There are 538 total votes up for grabs.

This means that state-level elections are decided by voters rather than the federal one. like a result, a candidate may receive the most votes nationwide (like Hillary Clinton did in 2016) but still lose due to the electoral college.

Winner-take-all laws apply in all states but two, granting all of the state’s electoral college votes to the candidate who receives the most votes.

Since the majority of states favor one party over the other, attention is typically focused on the twelve or so states where either party could win. The term “battleground states” refers to them.

Who else is up for election?

As everyone focuses on who will become the next president, voters will also be choosing new members of Congress, the group that helps govern the country, during the elections.

All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 33 Senate seats will be up for grabs.

Currently, Democrats control the Senate, while Republicans control the House.

If the dominant party in either the Senate or the House doesn’t see eye to eye with the president, these branches of government, which can pass laws, have the authority to keep a check on the White House’s plans.

Who's eligible to vote?

If you’re a citizen of the United States and you’re 18 years or older, you should be able to participate in the presidential election, which happens every four years.

When will the election results be announced?

Normally, election night brings us the results, but as in 2020, the tallying of all the votes may take several days.

If there is a presidential change following the election, we go into what is known as the transition phase.

The members of the incoming cabinet and the administration begin to plan and organize during this time in anticipation of the next term.

In January, the president is formally sworn in during a ceremony known as the inauguration, which takes place on the steps of the Capitol in Washington, D.C.