Loss in Pennsylvania is a setback for Donald Trump, while Nikki's success makes her a standout. Biden, meanwhile, is dealing with dissent.

Biden and Trump have both agreed to participate in debatesTrump

Loss in Pennsylvania is a setback for Donald Trump: Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has won the Pennsylvania primary, bringing him one step closer to clinching his party’s candidacy, Nikki Haley is the real winner of Pennsylvania. On the Democrat fold, despite a win, Joe Biden faced staunch rebellion on the back of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

How did Pennsylvania win a setback for Trump?

Today’s results might disappoint him, considering a significant number of Republican primary voters in Pennsylvania chose former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Despite exiting the presidential race two months ago, Nikki managed to gather at least 147,000 votes in Pennsylvania’s GOP primary, with over 90% of the vote counted. (Loss in Pennsylvania is a setback for Donald Trump).

Back in 2016, Trump won Pennsylvania by a margin of roughly 68,000 votes against Hillary Clinton. This time around, in Tuesday’s GOP primary, Trump was expected to win easily, and he did secure 84% of the vote with 92% of votes reported, according to AP projections. However, Haley, who suspended her presidential campaign in early March, still managed to secure 17% of the vote as of 11:15 p.m. ET.

Why Pennsylvania is a more important state for Republicans?

Pennsylvania really matters in elections, and what happens there could sway things a lot come November. Just look back to 2020, when President Biden snagged the state by about 80,500 votes.

Now, even though Trump has been on fire in Republican primaries all over, there are some warning signs for his White House comeback. In places like Arizona and Wisconsin, over one-fifth of GOP primary voters went for someone other than Trump. (Loss in Pennsylvania is a setback for Donald Trump)

People in Pennsylvania are expressing discontent with Joe Biden.

Some folks in Pennsylvania weren’t too happy with how President Biden dealt with the Israel-Hamas situation. But Biden managed to handle it better than his Republican counterpart did. In Wisconsin and Arizona, just over 10% of Democratic primary voters went for someone other than Biden.

There was this “Abandon Biden” movement going on in Pennsylvania, where organizers urged people to protest Biden’s handling of the conflict. But it’s not clear how many voters actually supported it as of Tuesday night.

Meanwhile, Trump’s got his own legal battles going on, with 34 felony counts in his New York case. His campaign’s pretty much playing out in the courtroom as the trial unfolds over the next few weeks.

Trump’s team hasn’t responded yet to Axios’ request for comment on the primary results. (Loss in Pennsylvania is a setback for Donald Trump)

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