Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, current polls are a grim reality, former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in most of the battleground states. The poll battleground state surveys are significant as they may ultimately decide the course of the struggle between the two candidates . A survey released Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal indicated that Trump is the leader in seven states out of the seven surveyed, specifically: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and North Carolina .

Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden

Trump is significantly leading in the following states; he has a six-point lead in North Carolina and a five-point advantage in Arizona . Besides these, Trump is also leading other states, including Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. He has a one-point lead over Biden in Georgia, while they are tied in Wisconsin . Trump also has leads when the potential provided you include third-party and independent candidates and when you consider matchups between the two leading candidates. This trend is appealing since the only state where he did not win was North Carolina.

Regarding how voters evaluate the candidates’ performance and skills, the poll shows a favorable assessment of Trump for the presidency in all the polled states, while opinions from Nevada vary. By contrast, Biden’s job performance receives a majority of negative views in all the seven battleground states. More specifically, most voters consider Trump more reliable for certain key issues, such as the economy and immigration, while preferring Biden regarding abortion. Also, concerns about President Biden’s physical health have 48% of voters against his possible reelection compared to 28% for Biden himself, who is 81.(Donald Trump vs Joe Biden)

In response to the Wall Street Journal’s polling results, First Lady Jill Biden dismissed worries about Biden’s performance in battleground states, saying, “No, he’s not losing in all the battleground states. He’s making progress.”

The Wall Street Journal conducted their poll from March 17 to 24, with a margin of error of plus or minus 1.5 percentage points. This contrasts with a national survey from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist, which shows Biden leading Trump by two percentage points in the general election ballot.(Donald Trump vs Joe Biden)

Among independent voters, Trump leads Biden by seven points, showing a shifting electoral landscape. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, highlighted the close contest and noted that about four in ten voters remain undecided, indicating the potential for changes in voter preferences as the election nears.

Both Trump and Biden have secured their party’s nominations, setting the stage for a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 presidential election. As the campaigns gear up for the November showdown, the battleground state polls indicate a fiercely competitive race ahead, with fundraising efforts ramping up on both sides. For more news like this visit TOI.