Results from the 2024 New Hampshire Presidential Primary.

Presidential Primary : New Hampshire Results 2024

What to anticipate while visiting New Hampshire

  • The New Hampshire presidential primary pits former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley against former presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the final week before Election Day, the number of significant contenders has decreased, but a number of those who have withdrawn from the race are still listed.
  • Since New Hampshire maintained its lead in the primary and disregarded the DNC’s rules, Joe Biden will not be on the ballot and no delegates will be given out from the contest. However, there is a concerted campaign to get primary voters to write in Biden’s name. The ballot has twenty-one names on it, including Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips and author Marianne Williamson.

New Hampshire Results

Republican Presidential Primary : New Hampshire


Donald Trump(Republican) gets 54.3% means 173,426 (34,880 ahead) Votes with 12 Bound Delegates

Nikki Haley (Republican) gets 43.4 % means 138,546 Votes with 9 Bound Delegates

Projected Winner - Donald Trump

Democratic Presidential Primary : New Hampshire

Joe Biden(Democratic, Incumbent) gets 66.4% means 72,319 (50,864 ahead)

Dean Phillips (Democratic) gets 19.7% means 21,455 votes

Marianne Williamson (Democratic) gets 4.0% means 4,366 votes.

Projected Winner - Joe Biden