Who is running for President in 2024

Who is running for president in 2024 : While President Joe Biden is the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee, three Republican contenders are vying to be their party’s presidential nominee in the general election of 2024. A number of third-party candidates have also entered the race

2024 Republican Presidential Candidates

Donald Trump

Who is running for president in 2024

As a former president of the United States, Donald Trump has adopted an unusual stance by accepting his indictments in four separate criminal proceedings. Rather than ducking legal obstacles, he has skillfully exploited them to improve his standing with Republicans and win more backing. This strategy has worked, as evidenced by the most recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, in which Trump gains a commanding 49% of the vote to establish himself as the front-runner inside the Republican Party. Moreover, his victory in Iowa’s first nominating battle, in which he received more than half the votes, highlights how successful his approach was.

Trump, who is 77 years old, has rejected the indictments, calling them a politically driven witch hunt designed to thwart his candidacy for a second, four-year term. Trump is adamant about his claim even after the Justice Department disputes it. In the event that he wins reelection, he has promised to exact revenge on people he considers to be his enemies, taking on an increasingly autocratic demeanor. Notably, he has declared that he would act with such authority “on day one,” even though he would not become a dictator.

Other radical reforms that he has pledged to implement include abolishing birthright citizenship, mass deportations, and stricter immigration laws. He has also promised to dismantle the federal civil service and replace it with loyalists. In addition, he has pledged to repeal Obamacare’s health insurance program and tighten trade restrictions with China.


who' running for president in 2024?

The 52-year-old Haley, a former South Carolina governor and Trump’s US ambassador to the UN, draws attention to how young she is compared to 81-year-old Biden and Trump. She also emphasizes that she is the daughter of Indian immigrants.

Differentiating herself from many of her predecessors, Haley has established a reputation within the Republican Party as a staunch conservative who skillfully handles issues of gender and race. She also portrays herself as a resolute representative of US interests abroad, denouncing Trump’s administration as unduly chaotic and polarizing.

Haley is ranked third in Iowa and has 12% of the Republican Party’s vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll. She routinely leads opponent Ron DeSantis in polls conducted at the state level in South Carolina and New Hampshire.

2024 Democratic Presidential candidates


Joe Biden Net worth 2024

As the oldest president of the United States at 81, Biden must convince voters that he is still strong enough to serve another four years in office, despite growing skepticism about his advanced age and low approval ratings.

In his reelection campaign, Biden’s supporters insist that he believes he is the only Democratic candidate who can defeat Trump; the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll has both candidates receiving 35% of the vote.

In his announcement of his candidacy, Biden fervently stated that he was obligated to protect American democracy, citing the terrifying attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, carried out by ardent followers of Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris is once again at his side.

The story of his reelection heavily emphasizes the state of the economy. The threat of 40-year-high inflation in 2022 and the rising price of food and gas made voters uneasy, even though the country avoided the predicted recession and exceeded growth forecasts by economists.

In reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden has taken the lead in organizing the response of Western nations, mobilizing allies to impose sanctions on Moscow and strengthen support for Kyiv. His steadfast backing of Israel in its fight against Hamas militants in Gaza serves as another evidence of his global perspective.

However, Biden is facing harsh criticism from members of his own party for declining to support calls for a ceasefire in the beleaguered Palestinian region. Gaza, a region devastated by violence, is home to a people struggling with a shortage of food, water, and medical supplies in addition to shocking death tolls and substantial property damage.

In order to increase the production of American industry, Biden has led massive economic stimulus and infrastructure spending packages on the home front. Unfortunately, voters have not given these efforts any recognition.

The difficult problem of immigration policy makes things more difficult. Biden is under fire from both Republicans and Democrats as record numbers of migrants breach the border between the United States and Mexico while he is in office. The emotional currents of Biden’s presidency surge under these challenges, creating a story characterized by fortitude, criticism, and the nuanced interplay of home and international issues.


Who's running for president in 2024?

Celebrity best-selling author and self-help guru Marianne Williamson, 71, is running for president a second time, this time on a platform propelled by the powerful forces of “justice and love.”

She had already appeared on stage in the 2020 presidential primary as a Democrat in the complex web of politics. But her run in that contest was cut short, and her goals were postponed when she departed the race with grace before the voters cast their vital ballots. She hasn’t let up, and on March 23 she launched her newest campaign with a fierce determination that won’t go out.

Marianne Williamson is prepared to leave her mark in the next New Hampshire primary. She is armed with a vision of justice and love entwined in a story that aims to speak to the hearts and minds of a country. She asks everyone to accompany her on this emotional journey, which is driven by the lofty principles of justice and the transformational power of love and serves as a beacon directing her to the nation’s highest office.


Who's running for president in 2024?

A modest Minnesota congressman named Dean Phillips came out of the woodwork in October to announce his audacious plan to take on President Biden. Driven by a belief that the incumbent president is not eligible for reelection, this 55-year-old multimillionaire entrepreneur and gelato company co-founder set out on an unforeseen adventure.

Dean gave the news his all in a moving one-minute video that was posted online, saying, “We’ve got some obstacles… We are determined to rebuild both America and this economy.” Driven by a strong confidence in the possibilities for regeneration and transformation that lies ahead, he has thrown his goals into the great arena of American politics with a spirit undeterred by the odds. His message’s emotive rhythm speaks to the need to repair not just the country’s economy but also its core values.

2024 Independents Presidential Candidates


Who's running for president in 2024?

Strangely, 69-year-old anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided to run as an independent after first challenging Biden for the Democratic primary. Though Kennedy remains a distant figure in the polls, new information from Reuters/Ipsos indicates that he may have sway over the presidential contest, sending shockwaves that might affect Biden more than Trump. Third-party candidates have occasionally changed results in the intricate terrain of U.S. elections without ultimately winning, and according to the most recent poll, 18% of voters support Kennedy.

Kennedy Jr. is the son of the late U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, whose own dreams of becoming president were cruelly dashed in 1968 due to assassination. His legacy is one of both success and hardship. His path has been marked by controversy; he was banned from using social media for spreading false information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines. After being banned from Instagram, he was later let back, signifying the constant struggle between the need to stop spreading misleading information and the obligation to provide accurate information.

Kennedy lost his legal struggle with YouTube owner Google to have videos he made questioning the safety of COVID vaccines reinstated. He continues with his task in spite of the obstacles, negotiating a terrain full of divisive opinions regarding personal liberties and public health. The tragic past of his family reverberates throughout this moving story, giving his unusual trajectory in American politics an additional poignancy.


Who's running for president in 2024?

The respected political activist, philosopher, and scholar made a passionate announcement back in June announcing his steadfast intention to run as a third-party candidate for president. Voters who identify as progressive and lean Democratic will find great resonance in this undertaking, which is driven by passion and purpose.

West, who is 70 years old, set out on this adventure because he firmly believes that good policies may triumph over party politics. In October, he abandoned his initial Green Party candidacy in favor of a more independent position after realizing that people were looking for real solutions outside of established party boundaries. His moving pledge to end poverty and guarantee housing for everyone is a ray of hope, demonstrating his commitment to addressing the urgent problems that affect the lives of a great number of people. Cornel West asks us to imagine a future in which empathy and practicality come together to work toward a more just and equitable society in this emotionally charged journey.


Who's running for president in 2024?

On November 9, the committed doctor Jill Stein relaunched her campaign for the Green Party, fiercely denouncing Democrats for continually breaking their pledges to “working people, youth, and the climate.” She compared Republicans, who, in her opinion, don’t even make such pledges in the first place, to this alleged betrayal in an intense manner.

Stein is 73 years old, and she is steadfast in her devotion to her cause. Emotions ran high during her 2016 Green Party campaign, as she raised millions of dollars for recounts in the wake of Trump’s unexpected win. Her accusations, in an attempt to expose the truth, led to only one electoral review in Wisconsin, which confirmed Trump’s victory.

Stein comes across as a morally upright person in this intense story, motivated by a strong sense of justice and accountability. Although her complaints are met with disappointment, her persistence shows how committed she is to openness in the democratic system. Jill Stein’s emotional journey is portrayed in the continuous story of American politics as a tenacious pursuit of truth and a resolute defense of her core beliefs.